Terms of Use

Moran Foods, LLC d/b/a Save-A-Lot, Ltd. (“Save-A-Lot”) operates this website (the “Site”) to provide online access to information about Save-A-Lot and products and services offered by it, as well as other information of general interest to its customers, and to provide certain online services (the providing of such access and services is collectively called “the Service”).

By accessing and using the Site, you agree to each of the terms and conditions set forth herein (“Terms of Use”). If you do not agree with any of the Terms of Use, you are not authorized to access or use the Site for any purpose. Additional terms and conditions applicable to specific areas of the Site or to particular content or transactions may also be posted in particular areas of the Site and, together with these Terms of Use, govern your use of those areas. These Terms of Use, together with such additional terms and conditions, where applicable, and Save-A-Lot’s Privacy Policy are collectively referred to as the “Agreement.” If any inconsistency exists between these Terms of Use and such additional terms and conditions or Save-A-Lot’s Privacy Policy, these Terms of Use will be controlling.

By using the Site, you express your understanding and agreement that you are bound by these Terms of Use. By using areas of the Site on which other terms and conditions are posted, you express your understanding and agreement that you are bound by those terms and conditions as well. If you are unwilling to be bound by these Terms of Use and any other additional terms and conditions comprised by the Agreement, do not use the Site. If you are unwilling to be bound by terms and conditions applicable to particular areas of the Site, do not use those areas.

Save-A-Lot reserves the right to modify these Terms of Use, Save-A-Lot’s Privacy Policy, and any other terms and conditions of the Agreement at any time without giving you notice. Your use of the Site following any such modification constitutes your agreement to follow and be bound by the Agreement, as modified. The last date these Terms of Use were revised is set forth below.

1. Intellectual Properties

The Service, the Site, and all information and/or contents that you see, hear, or otherwise experience on the Site (the “Contents”) are protected by U.S. and international copyright, trademark, and other laws, and belong to Save-A-Lot, to its parent companies, subsidiaries, affiliates, partners, or contributors, or to third parties.

Save-A-Lot grants you a personal, non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the Site, the Service, and the Contents and to download, print and store portions of the Contents that you select; provided, however, that you: (1) use those portions of the Contents only for your own personal, non-commercial use; (2) do not copy or post the Contents on any network computer or transmit, distribute, publish or broadcast the Contents in any media; and (3) do not modify or alter the Contents in any way, or delete or change any copyright or trademark notice. No right, title or interest in any downloaded Contents or materials is transferred to you as a result of this license. Save-A-Lot reserves complete title and full intellectual-property rights in any Contents you download from the Site, subject to the limited license set forth herein for you to make personal, non-commercial use of the Contents.

You may not mirror or frame the home page or any other pages of this Site on any other website or webpage. You may not connect “deep links” to the Site, or in other words create links to this site that bypass the home page or other parts of the Site. You may not use any of the marks or logos appearing throughout the Site without express written consent from the trademark owner, except as permitted by applicable law.

2. Disclaimers

2.1 Health Information. The Contents are for informational purposes only. None of the Contents is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or change in health. Never disregard or delay in seeking professional medical advice because of something you have read on the Site. The Site does not recommend or endorse any specific tests, products, procedures, methods, opinions or other information that may be mentioned on the Site. Reliance on any information provided by or otherwise appearing on the Site is solely at your own risk

2.2 Nutritional Information. If Save-A-Lot provides nutritional information about recipes on the Site, that information is based on the ingredients and cooking techniques as listed in the recipe, and does not include optional ingredients or garnishes. Nutritional values represented are composite averages and may vary according to freshness, variety, or differences in preparation. Altering cooking methods or substituting any ingredients may change the posted nutrition information significantly. Save-A-Lot does not make any warranties about any recipes provided on the Site or the results of preparing the recipes.

2.3 Food Safety Information. The Site may provide information about safe food handling and preparation methods. This information is not intended to be comprehensive and should not be substituted for information available from your local Department of Health or other government sources.

3. Right to Change Site, Contents, and Service

Save-A-Lot, acting in its sole discretion, may change or discontinue all or part of the Site, including any or all of the Contents or the Service, at any time, without giving you notice.